A Fond du Lac county coalition lowering the risk of falling.
"Empowering YOU to Stand Strong!"
Fall Prevention Actions
Preventing falls is a top priority for the coalition. Injuries from falling are a leading cause of death and our services are designed to help lower the risk of falling.

Click on the PDF icon to download the SSAF Fall Prevention Actions
Home Safety
Creating Safer Homes for You to Live in!
Let us lower your risk of falling by assessing needs in your home.
We can help you with:
Grab bars
High-rise toilet seats
Tub transfer benches
Anti-slip bathtub adhesives
Analyzing flooring

Income-qualified homeowners receive home repairs and modifications at no cost to the homeowner.
Homeowners must own and live in the home. We cannot serve apartments or mobile homes.
Contact Rebuilding Together Fox Valley for services and more information.
920 730-2156 | www.rtfv.org
Increase Strength and Balance
Increasing strength and balance can lower the risk of falling.
Take action today!
Community Exercise Classes

Personal Trainer Workout
Physician Referred Exercise
Stepping On Balance Class
Urban Pole Walking Workshop

Free Classes at FDL ADRC

Free Classes at FDL YMCA
Contact these resources for up to date classes:
ADRC FDL (Aging and Disability Resource Center): 920 929-3466 ADRC website
The Center - FDL's Place for Active Older Adults: 920 322-3630 FDL Sr. Center website
Ripon Senior Activity Center: 920 324-7930 Ripon Sr. Center website
Waupun Senior Center: 920 471-1636 Waupun Sr. Center website
YMCA FDL: 920 921-3330 YMCA FDL website
Physician Communication
Discuss the below items with your physician so they can help lower your risk of falling.

Medication assessment
Vision changes
Foot pain or numbness
Dizziness or being unsteady
Assistive devices
Sleep changes
Bone health
Circle "Yes" or "No" for each statement below.
Yes (2) No (0) I have fallen in the past year.
Yes (2) No (0) I use or have been advised to use a cane or walker to move around safely.
Yes (1) No (0) Sometimes I feel unsteady when I'm walking.
Yes (1) No (0) I steady myself by holding onto furniture when walking.
Yes (1) No (0) I am worried about falling.
Yes (1) No (0) I need to push with my hands to stand up from a chair.
Yes (1) No (0) I have some trouble stepping up onto a curb.
Yes (1) No (0) I often have to rush to the toilet.
Yes (1) No (0) I have lost some feeling in my feet.
Yes (1) No (0) I take medicine that sometimes makes me feel light-headed or more tired than usual.
Yes (1) No (0) I take medicine to help me sleep or improve my mood.
Yes (1) No (0) I often feel sad or depressed.
Total _______ Add up the number of points for each "yes" answer.
If you scored 4 points or more, you may be at risk for falling.
Discuss this quiz with your doctor and/or Fond du Lac county ADRC at 920 929-3466.
Coalition Member Service Offerings

Click on the PDF icon to download the SSAF Member Services Offerings
Information Sheet Downloads
Download these helpful information sheets. Click on the PDF icon to open the document.